Thursday 28 February 2013

Week 4 - Crouch Bridge & Presentation Planning

For this week I have been working on the presentation and planing everything that I will be presenting with my group during week six.

For this week I have been finalising the first Idle pose which turned out to be around 40 frames long, I feel like this is an ample amount of frames because the animation will be looping continuously to give the illusion of seamless animation.

Below is my crouch to idle, this shows my SWAT character breathing quite steadily and progresses with him bending his knees into a crouch. This will be the bridge between the next animation and will link to the extended idle pose. This animation isn't much but it will make all the difference and add variation to the movement in the overall scene.

This pose along with the extended idle is the preliminary pose to which the SWAT character kicks down the door which commences the animation. After the detective and the anonymous man will be sprinting to create an adrenaline packed scene.

Below are my Initial Poses which I used for a basic block-out, they are the silhouetted version of the crouch animation.
The animation above has a terrible codec which means the quality of my videos are terrible but please click the links to see the better quality ones.

The silhouetted poses really helped me to create a pose that looked convincing, overall I'm very happy with the result.

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