Monday 22 April 2013

Week 10 - Importing All Characters

This week was literally just spent importing all of the characters into one Maya scene and trying to position the master nodes in the correct areas so the characters interact with the scene properly. The translation of the master controller was the only thing that needed editing at this point.

Above you can see the animation sequence for scene 6 where the detective is chasing the suspect out of the room as he jumps out the window. If you look carefully at the animation though, you can see that all i have done is animate the master node (large circle controller on the floor). 

Pay attention to the key frames, and you can see exactly how i have done this. Its so simple to do. You just move it, key it and move it again repeating the whole process. 

To actually import all of the characters into the scene is easy too, they will all start in the middle of the grid so a lot of positioning will be required. All you need to do to import each animation is click File > Import > (Select File). Its so simple to do and in no time we had our animations working fine. 

We did try to use the Trax editor but for some reason we had a lot of scripting issues and we decided not to bother, and we went the longer way around of doing it, but personally I think the animation turned out a lot better.

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